Ways to Thank Your Mama Mentors

Ways to Thank Your Mama Mentors

It seems to me the only way to not just survive – but to love life and thrive – doing this new working mama thing, is to build your village.  Everything seems easier when you know you don’t have to go it alone.  When you can hear someone else say “me too” and...
A New Mama’s Letter to Her Employer

A New Mama’s Letter to Her Employer

After I went out on maternity leave and returned to work, there were a few things I wish I’d had the opportunity to say to my employer.  Here’s the letter I would have written them: A New Mama’s Letter to Her Employer Dear Employer, I’m about to come...
Why the “Mindful” in Mindful Return?

Why the “Mindful” in Mindful Return?

When I set out to find a way to help mamas in this period of transition, growing into a new life with baby while also returning to work, I debated what to call this project. What was I hoping new mamas would learn? How to have a “successful return”? A “peaceful...